I'm now a legal Canadian Landed Immigrant! It only took us 4 years, 3 to scrape the various fees and documents together, and 1 long year waiting for them to process the application. I don't recommend doing it unless you are either very much in love, very wealthy, or a refugee from a war-torn land. Even then.. think twice.
More news:
More news:
Because I'm now legal to work, I started job-hunting online and discovered that I wouldn't qualify for positions I held previously in the US. In my field, bilingualism is mandatory. There is a customer-service outsourcing company in the area, and I sent my resume in. Got a phone call from HR literally within 4 minutes after sending. That was a bit creepy. Went in for pre-interview testing and passed everything with high marks, interview 2 days later and got the job. Not so impressive, considering the reputation of the company and the extremely high turnover rate. It seems to be populated by either very young people or women like me, who've had a few kids and are looking to get any type of work that pays above the minimum wage.
Yes, I'm another sold-out corporate monkey. My inner hippie is weeping.
Hubby says if I don't like it, walk. So that's the plan. I don't anticipate any skills-related problems, it's customer service and tech support for digital technology in a field I have some experience with. If I can keep my nose to the terminal and stay out of office politics and never mention the naughty word (union) I should get by fine. I plan to stay long enough to get some good Canadian work history behind me, maybe longer. I'm still planning on finishing my degree after we get ahead and put a down on a house.
Kids are back in school, and they seem pretty satisfied. Son says high school isn't nearly as demanding as Grade 8. The kids on the bus roll doobs and smoke up at transfer points. Daughter already loves her teacher and is doing well.
Don't know how often I'll be able to post, but I will stay in touch. Thanks to all who left the thoughtful comments. I was without a pc for a while and checked in when possible at the library. Made me smile.
I'll be sitting in a cubicle soon, saying "Aum" frequently and thinking of you all.